Salma Hayek vampire

Salma Hayek vampire movie (blog)

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Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Movie Review

After the hype tornado of Episode I resulted in... episode I... Expectations were not quite as high for the sequel, and the studio was perhaps a little more careful with what did and did not make the cut this (click blog posts) time around. With far less Jar Jar, and much more action we got Attack of the Clones and the beginning of the clone wars

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8 Man Movie Review

Back in 1992, when robotic police were the "thing," 8 Man sought to ride the coattails of Robocop, despite the truth being that the original 8 Man manga and anime series came out much, MUCH earlier. Still, as this was the only live action film adaptation to take place, it ended up being compared to Robocop more often than not. Especially in Ameri

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Under Siege Movie Review

Things were supposed to go happy and smooth up in Minnesota, but noooo.. James had to bring up Under Siege, starring Steven Seagal. Apparently there is a rule that you don't know anything about Seagal until you've watched this movie. I don't know who wrote it, but I think (blog post) it's a pretty silly rule. Nevertheless, I've watched it now, so

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Halloween H20 Movie Review

Released 20 years after the original Halloween, a fact that they never EVER let you forget, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later is Halloween's return after the slasher genre revival of the late 90s. As such, while (blog post) it IS a Halloween movie, has Michael Myers and even Laurie (blog post) Strode in it... it does come off like most of the feel of

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